Wednesday, September 2, 2015

              Athletic Trainer

Duties and Responsibilities:

Athletic trainers diagnose and treat injuries to bone and muscle under the direction of licensed doctors or other health-care professionals. They work with anyone who engages in athletic activities, from elementary school children on playgrounds to professional athletics in Olympic competition. They prevent injury through the use of devices such as tape and braces, recognize and evaluate injuries, and provide emergency care. They rehabilitate hurt athletes and plan programs to prevent injury and illness. They also perform administrative tasks such as meeting with administrative officials, keeping records and dealing with sports budgets.


$26, 170  –  $65, 970


Minimum a bachelor’s degree
Master degrees are common
Programs of study cover courses such as anatomy, physiology, biomechanics and nutrition


I would like to be one. The job seems really easy.  If someone gets hurt you mostly just get them fixed up and try to care for their wounds or soreness, Which is a good thing.  It’s like you’re your own mini hospital and or clinic.

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